To describe it in one sentence, Iskan is the act of commissioning a new facility.


Now we invite you to understand this concept in more detail!


Turkish developers take a very responsible approach to the construction of complexes.  You already know that each residential complex, before being put into operation, is inspected by an independent expert commission, which, at the end of its raid, issues a document confirming compliance with all construction standards.


This document has been scanned.


There are three types of Iskan in total, two of which are provided for buildings built before 2020 - Genel İskan, Ferdi İskan and one for new complexes - Toplu İskan.


Genel İskan is a registration certificate confirming the commissioning of a residential complex.


Ferdi İskan - individual search for an apartment in Turkey.


Toplu İskan is a single registration certificate for all apartments in a rental complex.


Is it possible to buy real estate without Iskan?



When purchasing a property at the construction stage, there is still no certificate of operation.  In this case, it is necessary to indicate this in the purchase and sale agreement and indicate the registration of a technical passport, as well as penalties for failure to comply with the conditions due to the fault of the construction company.


But, if you are buying real estate on the secondary market, Iskan is simply necessary.

 Its absence may indicate legal problems, violations in construction, non-compliance with the declared project, cadastral plan and tax debt!

 Well, as you already understand, this is a very important document on which a lot depends!  Therefore, you should not treat this negligently; we advise you to always check the availability of documents so that your experience of purchasing real estate is positive

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